International Service Purpose
International Service

Service Avenue
Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding,
goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business
and professional persons united in the ideal of service. The
International Service Avenue comprises all the things that
a Rotarian can do to advance international understanding,
goodwill, and peace by getting acquainted with people of other
countries, their cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspirations,
problems - through personal contacts, attendance at conventions,
through reading and correspondence, and through cooperation
in all club activities and projects - including those of the
Rotary International Foundation - that will help people in
other lands. International Service takes on a number of different
forms, but at the heart is the awareness that Rotary is truly
an international organization, and that the community of Rotarians
is worldwide in scope. International Service Projects are
designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many
lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged
children and families in developing countries.